The company establishes a policy on alcohol and illegal drugs to maintain a safe work culture, healthy and productive, namely through:
1. The company prohibits the use and abuse of alcohol, or alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs (psychotropic drugs) in the workplace. Included in this is owning and distributing it.
2. Employees who are proven to use, store and distribute in the workplace will be subject to termination of employment.
3. Random sampling will be carried out to ensure that employees do not consume alcohol, or drink alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs (psychotropic drugs) in the workplace by doing a medical checkup.
As a follow-up to the fulfillment of the Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number: KEP.68 / Men / IV / 2004 concerning HIV / AIDS Prevention and Control in the Workplace,
PT. Laser Jaya Sakti is committed to: Implementing HIV / AIDS and Tuberculosis prevention and control programs through education, seminars, regular meetings and other media deemed effective.
Companies do not differentiate between workers with HIV / AIDS cases in terms of getting job opportunities, promotions, education, training or other special treatment. The company will keep all medical information, medical records or related information confidential. This policy is an integral part of the implementation of SMK3 to be communicated to all workers and stakeholders so that it is understood and periodic reviews are carried out to measure its effectiveness.